No private cars in the future? Don’t worry, Americans, your northerly neighbours, aren’t ‘going commie.’ It’s just the way of the millennial.
Car sales may not show it yet, but the evidence is all around: private car ownership is declining. Instead, it is the interest in private car ownership that is declining. It’s not all to do with the excellent fleet our car rental Richmond Hill desk has: it’s just how people choose to live these days.
In this article, we aren’t debating the pros and cons of private car ownership. Instead, we look at how the market will fill the mobility gap created by this turn of events. After all, just because you don’t own a car doesn’t mean you don’t move about.
Before we do, however, let’s see why car ownership is on the wane:
– Expensive parking
– Exorbitant insurance rates
– High fuel prices
– Depreciating value
– An unproductive asset that is stationary most of the day
– An expensive asset that ties you into ownership for many years
Car leasing – The new way of owning a car…without owning a car
In this gadget age, the urbane buyer is urged to upgrade yearly (or… gasp… every other year). People now want that flexibility in their cars too. Car leasing has been highly influential in persuading people to find alternative means of ‘owning’ a car without being burdened with a depreciating asset that will require increased maintenance each year.
Why it works: A new car every few years; the latest car tech at your fingertips; lower running costs; far fewer maintenance worries.
Car rental – The benefits of owning a car…without the hassles of owning a car
If you go to our car rentals Richmond Hill desk, you’ll be amazed by the variety of spanking new cars at your disposal. So many cars, so well-maintained, and at your beck and call. The experience of renting a car has become much less cumbersome too. Best of all, car rental in Richmond Hill is extremely convenient too. We offer fantastically competitive rates and deliver the car right to your doorstep!
Why it works: the car you want, when you want it; highly competitive rates mean you don’t spend more than you need to; an extensive collection of cars to choose from.
Car-share – Owning a car… and making it pay for itself.
Most privately owned vehicles either sit in the garage at night or in the company parking lot during the day, when they could earn you a pretty penny. With the birth of the app economy, car share has become a real money maker. Especially in dense cities like Toronto, it’s a fantastic convenience. It’s a simple premise: you, the car owner, earn while you… earn (at work). People who need last-minute mobility have access to a whole host of cars when they need it.
Why it works: Apps make real-time car sharing possible, a lucrative proposition for the car owner and the ‘borrower’; a car when you need it for however long you need it sounds a lot like Richmond Hill car rentals.
Ride-share – Not owning a car… and being all the more social for it
Ever wonder why public transport is so busy in the morning and evening? It’s because everyone is heading in roughly the same direction (as you). And that’s why ride-sharing (carpooling, for you older folk) makes so much sense. Again, made much more accessible by apps, ride-share means you can hitch a ride with someone driving to the same/similar destination as you. Earn a pretty penny while you drive or get the comfort of travelling in a car without owning it.
Why it works: Extremely agile ride-sharing marketplace; app-based ride-sharing is super simple.
Richmond Hill Car Rental
Car rental in Richmond Hill has opened up real options for car ownership. There are better and faster ways for the everyday commute than driving yourself. For all other occasional uses, why park a private car and watch it depreciate and deteriorate from the moment you buy it?
At Advantage Car Rental, we don’t just rent cars to our customers; we build long-lasting relationships. Our customers love how easily they can reach our representatives and how easily they can make a booking. Of course, our Richmond Hill car rental desk has a vast selection of cars – all of which are immaculately maintained. Contact our car rental in Richmond Hill today and have a car delivered to your doorstep.